Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why this blog?

This is an experiment - everything about it is subject to change. I have the time to start this, and blogging is what works best for me.

I picked the dark background because I thought it would look nice with photos, and because I really don't have that many choices through blogger. Any strong objections? We can look into alternatives!

Here's how I envision this: each gardener who wants to join this group should live in Boulder County, or have graduated from a Boulder permaculture course.

Each gardener can have their own section, where they update their garden with plans, projects, outcomes, successes, learning opportunities, and photos! Here on the right, there is a list of a few blogs from local gardeners I already know of. We can also have some of us going around like a reporter, taking photos and updating us on other people's gardens!

Anyone who wants to can leave comments on any post, and thus start a conversation. You can ask a question, share something you learned when you tried that, offer help with something that is giving the gardener a hard time, etc...

Let's see how it goes. If you want to start your own blog to link to this one, give me a call, or email, or leave a comment here.

Also, anyone can write a main post, anything that could be of interest to many of us, but is not specifically about your garden. We can also have main posts about "permaculture blitzes", or local projects where we can meet to get more done and have more fun.

Myrto Ashe


  1. Hi, Myrto ... this seems like a good venture on BLOGSPOT, but may not take off unless people are motivated enough to stick with it. The connection process, though simple, is not obvious to most users, I am sure. See how it goes and I hope that it goes well. However, there are similar groups already going in Boulder County, e.g., through www.transitioncolorado.ning.com -- so check those out. Specifically there is a special PERMACULTURE group on Transition Colorado, and connected with Transition Boulder County and BoulderGoingLocal. Good luck ... and oh ... connect me up! Although I will be out of town and away from the SNOWS from October 30th thru November 18th, in Seattle ... with the RAINS!

    Kindest regards,

    Sapan Rinpoche

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the comment, Kunga. I'm looking forward to getting a url from some of your blogs to link to. I looked up the sites you mention and connected to them. The ning permaculture site has several comments but no ongoing discussion. I would conclude that it also does not work for people. I am hoping that by connecting to people's blogs, this site can serve as a sort of hub, without people needing to look up something separate. Whether a discussion starts up or not is a little unpredictable. Anyone who wants regular updates from here can sign up by using the "subscribe" feature on the right (I think).
